Terrorism is Closer to You Than You Think (I)
It saddens that the quest for gross national development has
being somehow soiled with the news of Nigeria being tagged as a terror
inflicted state.
If you’ve being chanced to engage indigenes of other
countries, you’ll by now not be surprised with the way Nigerians are perceived to
be dubious, stripped of integrity and ill-behaved. To add to this unpalatable
state of perception be informed that terror too has being unofficially add to
the list.
Truth be told, majority of Nigerian youths are confused,
their real identities has most times being eroded by the grisly taste of
poverty, neglect and rejections from unsupportive parents and community. Sometimes
such actions can be excused on the bases of a tough economy and stiff competition
for common livelihood.
Take a walk through some rural areas even “gethos”, you’ll
hear the use of vulgar words by parents. Words that are highly dense with
negative energies, capable of relegating a mind budding with futuristic
realities and promising dreams.
This rejection and a bath of ignorance has driven many
youths to be sex-workers, drug peddlers , vagabonds, unlawful immigrants and
truants just in search of places where a bout of love can be served to them not
minding the unpronounced conditions attached.
Report has shown that the recruitment into terrorism and
related matters strives on false promises
of greater love, inclusion into a
strong family and a high degree of freedom and of course a befitting identity
with no need to worry about feeding and the common things a young man may want.
Most of the affected divisions are youths more often; teenagers.
The gathering of international leaders under the auspice of
the UN (United Nations) has regarded Terrorism to be the greatest threat to the
peace of the world. The status quo is that 82% of people killed in terrorist
attacks has being killed in only 5 countries as submitted in a report by IEP (Institute
For Economics and Peace) of which Nigeria is one of the Five countries. Imagine
what happens when 5 more counties are terror inflicted. Terrorism thrives on a transferred
beliefs of a chief Terrorists; known or oblivious. So terrorist’s acts on reasons
that best fantasize them, less we would have called them lunatics, their
reasons and purposes are just weird and out of the normal belief systems humans
should run.
The point we must not neglect though is that; “The course
you don’t feed can’t grow” more so, “the seemingly Big things thrive on little
and often neglected plugs”. If you are graced and chance to read this, remember
that your simple act of love in the face of your own challenges can turn a
potential “Osama Bin-Laden” to the real strategic leader he was meant to be. We
might unconsciously feed terrorism by our selfishness and greed. If this
actions has being reflect due to human nature, we can consciously begin to
address the so they don’t further breed terror.
We all lose more to fruits of hatred than to the seed of
love. Most significantly is that an act of kindness wouldn’t cost you at all. If
you see a young person saddened an often drawn to seclusion; try engaging them -not
for the purpose of castigation nor judgmental reason but giving them an
extension of the peace you currently carry.
Since poverty has being seen to be a huge push-factor for
youths into crime, share your riches in kind or cash you might just save
another family from rubbery. Endeavor to give dreams and visions to young ones
who might have lost theirs before an extremist gives them theirs.
If we all take steps in bit towards ending terror, we’ll
achieve it. If you think terror and crime are far away that will be an abject
state of illusion. Don’t wait till you’ll be awaken by a bomb blast, let love
for humanity rather keep you awake.
-Oluwadunsin Fatuase
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